Branding Shoot for Makeup Artist Stacey Triplow

Portrait Stacey Triplow Hair and Makeup Artist by Tanja Kibogo Photography

“I really belive that women who are confident in their natural beauty are the most beautiful.”


Oprah Winfrey

This quote I chose for Stacey's branding shoot perfectly describes her beautiful radiance from the inside.

She is a super talented hair & makeup artist from San Diego. We got to know each other via Instagram and when I was in California, we met for coffee in Oceanside. Of course I brought my camera and as we walked through beautiful streets in Oceanside I took some portraits of Stacey for her rebranding.

It was a short but sweet branding shoot. Thank you to the friendly shop owner
of Craft & Foster, who let us take some indoor photos of Stacey.

Thank you Stacey for the special time we had together and letting me take your branding portraits.

Workbook -Definiere deine

Du hast noch Fragen zu deinem Branding? Deinem Auftritt auf der Website oder Social Media?

Dann lade dir jetzt mein kostenloses Workbook zum Thema Marken-Identität herunter und erarbeite Schritt für Schritt deine Zielgruppe, und was dich bzw. dein Unternehmen ausmacht.

Das ist eine super Vorbereitung für ein gelungenes Branding-Shoot!