Brandingshoot for photographer Bruna Guerra in Bonn


„What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.“

― Unknown

This was a fun morning with Bruna while the kids were in kindergarten. Bruna has been my second photographer on several weddings and I cannot thank her enough for being my right hand on long wedding days or even weekends. She specialises in family photography in Bonn and has a great love for albums. She has designed albums for some of my clients and I loved it. Now dive into a short but fun branding shoot in her office.

Workbook -Definiere deine

Du hast noch Fragen zu deinem Branding? Deinem Auftritt auf der Website oder Social Media?

Dann lade dir jetzt mein kostenloses Workbook zum Thema Marken-Identität herunter und erarbeite Schritt für Schritt deine Zielgruppe, und was dich bzw. dein Unternehmen ausmacht.

Das ist eine super Vorbereitung für ein gelungenes Branding-Shoot!